What is the difference between Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi?

Author: CC

Apr. 06, 2024

Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi are both popular single-board computers that have gained significant attention in the maker community. However, despite their similar names and functions, there are some key differences between the two that users should be aware of when deciding which one to use for their projects.

Technical Specifications.

Raspberry Pi is a series of small, affordable computers that run on the ARM architecture. The latest version, Raspberry Pi 4, features a quad-core ARMv8 processor, up to 8GB of RAM, multiple USB ports, HDMI output, Ethernet connectivity, and support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It is widely known for its versatility and ability to run various operating systems, including Raspbian, Ubuntu, and Windows 10.

What is the difference between Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi?

Orange Pi, on the other hand, is a family of open-source single-board computers that also run on the ARM architecture. The latest version, Orange Pi 4, features a quad-core ARM Cortex-A55 processor, up to 8GB of RAM, multiple USB ports, HDMI output, Ethernet connectivity, and support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. While it offers similar features to Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi tends to be slightly cheaper and may appeal to users on a budget.

Operating System Support.

One of the main differences between Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi is their operating system support. Raspberry Pi has a larger community and official support from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which ensures that popular operating systems are optimized for the device. In contrast, Orange Pi has a smaller community and may not receive the same level of support for operating systems and software.

GPIO Pins and Expansion Options.

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Both Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi feature General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins that allow users to connect external devices and sensors. However, Raspberry Pi has a more standardized GPIO layout, which makes it easier to find compatible accessories and expansion boards. Orange Pi may have a different GPIO layout, which can be a challenge for users looking to expand their projects.

Community and Documentation.

Raspberry Pi has a large and active community of users and developers who share projects, tutorials, and troubleshooting tips online. There is a wealth of documentation and resources available for Raspberry Pi users, making it easier to get started with the device and find solutions to common issues. Orange Pi has a smaller community and may have fewer resources available, which could be a consideration for users who value community support.


In summary, Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi are both capable single-board computers that offer similar features and performance. However, there are differences in operating system support, GPIO layout, community size, and documentation that users should consider when choosing between the two. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user, whether they prioritize community support, budget, or technical specifications.

Contact us.

If you have any questions or need further assistance in choosing between Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi for your project, feel free to contact us for personalized guidance and support.

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